Page 7 - Griffin Gazette Spring 2016
P. 7

Schizachyrium ‘Standing Ovation’ or even         Hakonechloa Aureola
   Juncus. Don’t rule out grasses for shade
   pots either! Hakonechloa, for example,
   can do well in shade and also offers a
   beautiful flowing habit.

2.	Remind your customers that fall is
   considered the ‘second spring’ and is
   a great time to plant new perennials or
   revitalize older plantings. For example,
   plan on having a new crop of peonies (and
   spruce up the old), herbaceous or tree,
   and promote the benefits of planting them
   in fall; September is generally considered
   the best time to plant or divide peonies.

3.	Offer your customers an educational
   seminar around fall perennials for a
   nominal fee, perhaps giving them a
   discount coupon when they attend.
   Your perennial sales that day are sure
   to increase!

4.	Many retailers use fall as a time to put their
   old plants on sale. In theory, this isn’t a
   bad idea, but consider those plants with
   a critical eye. If they look terrible, they’re
   better off in the compost pile rather than
   taking up valuable bench space. Poor-
   looking product does your reputation no
   favors; if you can’t clean it up, pitch it out.

Forward Thinking to Spring Ahead
On to the second half of the perennial-
planning equation: the items you’ll need
to pot up in the fall for spring sales. This
includes anything that flowers in the spring,
as well as items you want to size up for
exceptional container fill. Items such as
dianthus and iberis, for example, should be
brought in so they can get well established
before going into dormancy. Very broadly

Miscanthus Morning Light                                                 thinking, growers in northern states want
                                                                         these crops potted up by late August or
                                                                         early September; growers in southern states
                                                                         want to plan for October or early November.
                                                                         If you wait much longer, you’ll be running
                                                                         into shorter days and plants beginning to
                                                                         shut down for the season. The goal is to
                                                                         encourage some new growth to get good
                                                                         pot fill, and time to harden off, before the
                                                                         onset of short days and cold temperatures.

                                                                         Another consideration when planning
                                                                         your perennial orders for fall: availability.
                                                                         The breeders and young-plant producers
                                                                         generally release their spring collections for
                                                                         the next season in July. If you wait too long,
                                                                         you may miss out on that cool new daylily
                                                                         or that hot new campanula. “Order early!”
                                                                         is a good mantra to follow; doing so also
                                                                         positions you to take advantage of any early
                                                                         order discounts that might be offered.

                                                                         Don’t be left in the cold! Connect with your
                                                                         SHS Griffin sales representative early about
                                                                         the new items that’ll be offered in fall, or
                                                                         spring the following year. Both the bread-
                                                                         and-butter items as well as the new up-and-
                                                                         comers are important. Happy planning and
                                                                         happy planting!
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