Page 4 - Griffin Gazette Q4 2017
P. 4

Bob Storry
                                                                                       IN MEMORIAM

                                                               That's a beautiful thing!

                                                               Earlier this year the Griffin team lost one of its finest members.
                                                               Bob was part of Griffin for more than 35 years, and worked in the
                                                               horticulture industry for most of his life.
                                                               His booming voice was unforgettable and resonated wherever
                                                               he was. In the office or at an event, you knew if Bob was there.
                                                               His laugh and positive attitude were contagious. As soon as he
                                                               met you, you were his friend. Bob was always willing to lend a
                                                               helping hand. He shared his knowledge with everyone he worked
                                                               with and was a mentor to many. His knowledge was rooted in a
                                                               lifetime of experience and there was often a story about how that
                                                               experience came to be. He was loyal to his customers and worked
                                                               hard to help them succeed.
                                                               Bob was a larger-than-life character with an undeniable impact.
                                                               For the better part of his career with Griffin, he was the driving
                                                               force behind many of our trade shows and events, making sure
                                                               the company was well represented. Bob was often the first to
                                                               arrive at an event in the morning, and the last to leave.
                                                               He loved his colleagues, but his love for his family was above
                                                               all else. Whenever Bob spoke of his family, it was with great
                                                               enthusiasm and pride.
                                                               Bob would always say, “That’s a beautiful thing!” As we reflect
                                                               on Bob’s memory and his impact, it’s fitting for such an uplifting
                                                               phrase to be synonymous with such an uplifting person.

                                                                 A memorial quilt
                                                                created using 50
                                                                 of Bob’s Griffin
                                                                 shirts he wore
                                                                 over the years.

                                                           Bob in his
                                                            pre-Griffin days
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