Page 5 - 2015 Winter Gazette
P. 5

demonstrate good stewardship with regard to bee exposure. Our           3$99DVDs for
Bee Safety Codes reflect EPA labeling and provide a quick, visual
reference to indicate which products are known to present a risk.
Bee sensitivity and exposure risk varies by product. Some prod-
ucts present a risk through direct exposure only, some through
residual exposure and some through both exposure routes. This
information has been updated for the 2015 Griffin catalog and for
several bulletins produced by GGSPro.

    Bee sensitivity and exposure risk
  varies by product. Some products present
  a risk through direct exposure only,
  some through residual exposure and
  some through both routes.

GGSPro has also created a bulletin that presents “bee friendly”
insect and mite control options. This bulletin also supports those
growers who have committed to not using neonics. Our “Bee-
Friendly Non-Neonicotinoid Pesticide Alternatives” bulletin is avail-
able at no cost to Griffin customers; New York growers will want
to request a separate version developed specifically for them. The
products listed in the tables on the bulletin present lower toxicity
risk to bees.
Best practices encourage applicators to avoid pesticide applica-
tions when bees are present. If this isn’t possible, product use
should be limited to the products listed in the bulletin, with a focus
on those products under the header “Products Without Residual
Exposure Risk.” This is also the list that should be referenced if
crops are within the four-week window of moving outside.
Excerpt from the “Bee-Friendly Non-Neonicotinoid Pesticide
Alternatives” bulletin:

Rank 1= GGSPro considers these products as top-tier efficacy.                Save 20% today:
Rank 2= GGSPro considers these products as second-tier efficacy or          Get three GGSPro
suppression.                                                               informational DVDs
Bee Safety Code Explanation is found at the end of this document.
                                                                                 for only $99
Please contact GGSPro for information regarding other products
for which a higher toxicity hazard to bees may be mitigated                        Insect Control
through application timing, such as Avid, TriStar, and XXPire.                   Disease Control
(TriStar is a neonicotinoid with short residual bee toxicity and            Plant Growth Regulators
therefore is treated differently by EPA.) Applicators are responsible
for reading, understanding and following all label directions. Pay              To order, visit
special attention to the nuances regarding residual exposure risks.
Products other than those listed may be safe and effective.             or call 1.800.659.4346
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