Page 15 - Griffin Gazette Issue 1 - 2022
P. 15

PRECISION VS              IRRIGATION TIMING AND                               WATER
            BROADCAST                 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS                              RECAPTURE
            IRRIGATION                Environmental conditions hugely impact how quickly plants   Some production systems

            There are many ways that   will dry down. These conditions can change rapidly day to   allow growers to continuously
            water can be delivered    day, certainly season to season. Take the time to review your   recirculate water, while others
            to crops. Some of these   environmental conditions such as relative humidity and air   allow for runoff recapture.
            methods undoubtedly       temperature and monitor how quickly your plants are drying   Both types of systems have
            lead to greater wastewater   down between irrigations. Irrigation frequencies should be   their limitations, but both
            than others. Methods such   reduced if plants are not able to dry down between events.   are strong tools when it
            as overhead watering or   Irrigation duration should be reduced if a large amount of   comes to water conservation.
            unmetered water wands     runoff is observed after irrigation events.         Recirculating systems keep
            often result in water outside                                                 water within channels and
            of pots, excessive run-off,                                                   reservoirs, eliminating runoff
            and watering areas that do                                                    entirely. These systems need
            not even contain plants.                                                      to be regularly topped up
            These methods do have                                                         with fresh water and nutrients
            the advantage of being                                                        as plants take them up, and
            very labor efficient, but that                                                reservoirs should be tested
            does not mean that more                                                       periodically to watch for
            conservative methods MUST                                                     uneven build up of individual
            take more labor. Employing                                                    elements. Recirculating
            per pot emitters or tools such                                                systems also face root
            as drip tape take a bit more                                                  disease control issues, but
            labor upfront but can lead                                                    many crops have a variety
            to huge labor AND water                                                       of pesticides, sanitizers,
            savings later in the crop.                                                    and other tools available
                                                                                          to deal with pathogen
                                                                                          outbreaks. Runoff that has
                                                                                          been recaptured requires
            LEACHING AND                                                                  some sanitation and filtration
            RUNOFF                                                                        treatment, but recapture can
            Traditional watering wisdom                                                   help prevent excess fertilizers
            calls for 10-20% runoff                                                       from leaching into the water
            portion with every irrigation,                                                table or affecting other
            but is this really necessary?                                                 environmental resources.
            The answer here is – usually   RAINWATER COLLECTION
            not. Irrigating to runoff
            accomplishes two goals:   Exploring other sources of water and recapturing runoff can   Image: Netafim
            one, we ensure that water   make a huge impact on overall water use. Capturing, storing,   water recycling
            is penetrating through the   and using rainwater may be a viable supplement for some   systems
            entire container profile, and   produces in some areas of the country. There are no federal
            two, we avoid salt build up   restrictions on rainwater capture; check your local state
            within container media by   regulations for potential restrictions.
            washing excess salts down
            and out of the container.
            By lowering fertilizer
            concentrations and reducing   The debate over water use and water scarcity isn’t going anywhere. Observed climate
            irrigation amount, the same   trends have scientists predicting that droughts may become more severe in coming
            effects can be achieved with
            little to no runoff at all. These   years. Growers who practice fertilizer and water conservation strategies now will be
            techniques save on both   better prepared to handle water restrictions and issues as they pop up, preventing
            water and fertilizer salts.  costly interruptions while new strategies have to be employed on the fly.

                                                                                      GRIFFIN GAZETTE 2022  |  15
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