Page 6 - Griffin Gazette Issue 3 - 2018
P. 6

It s a
                                                             Small World

                                                            After All

                                                             We waited patiently for fairy gardening to
                                                             gain traction. In many stores, it just didn't

                                                             happen. However, what did happen may
                                                             surprise you.

                         By John Johnston,   patiently for the miniature (fairy) gardening   highest positive percentage change in
                         Retail Education   movement to gain traction. In many   the report without question.
                         Manager           stores, it just didn’t happen. Garden   The next highest gain is in pottery and
                                           centers eventually trimmed inventory due
                         While retailers  look                                 containers. No surprise, since the
                         for new ways to   to the lack of interest. However, what did   indoor container business continues
                         intrigue customers   happen may surprise you.         to thrive with demand for small plants,
                         with unique products   SMALL PLANTS, BIGGER SALES     container gardening and the popularity
                         and events, plants   One sales surprise for many retailers is   of combination planters.
                         still drive the majority   in the houseplant department. According
        of garden-center sales. And have you   to the 2017 State of the Industry Report,   Although the report is based upon
                                                                               survey results from 385 independent
        noticed? Small is fashionable – or, at   sales of cacti and succulents increased   garden centers across North America –
        least, it can be.                  for  65%  of  respondents, while  31%   a relatively small sample – I heartily agree
        For more than a decade, we waited   indicated no change in sales. It was the   with their findings.

        6   |   GRIFFIN GAZETTE 2018                                           Photo Caption: Succulent from Timbuk Farms
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