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Active Ingredient: Hydrogen dioxide & Peracetic acid
For use in greenhouses, garden centers, landscapes, nurseries, hydroponics and turf. Kills algae, bacteria, fungi and their spores on contact. Can be used to treat irrigation water for pathogen control. Labeled for use on ornamentals, herbs, vegetables, small fruits, and hard surface applications. Safe on foliage and most open blooms. Can be applied as a spray, fog or drench. Leaves no residue and has 0 REI for drench treatments if label conditions are met.
Foliar spray rates: 0.5-1.25 oz per gal or 50-128 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 0.25-1.25 oz per gal or 25-128 oz per 100 gal.
*OMRI listed
REI = 1
Active Ingredient: Hydrogen dioxide & Peracetic acid
For use in greenhouses, garden centers, landscapes, nurseries, hydroponics and turf. Kills algae, bacteria, fungi and their spores on contact. Can be used to treat irrigation water for pathogen control. Labeled for use on ornamentals, herbs, vegetables, small fruits, and hard surface applications. Safe on foliage and most open blooms. Can be applied as a spray, fog or drench. Leaves no residue and has 0 REI for drench treatments if label conditions are met.
Foliar spray rates: 0.5-1.25 oz per gal or 50-128 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 0.25-1.25 oz per gal or 25-128 oz per 100 gal.
*OMRI listed
REI = 1
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Active Ingredient: Hydrogen dioxide & Peracetic acid
This powerful sanitizing agent controls algae and many water-borne pathogens in irrigation water and on many hard surfaces. Labeled for use in all types of irrigation systems, industrial, and commercial water systems, and evaporative coolers. Helps add dissolved oxygen to the water and does not off-gas. Effective at any pH level. Label includes instructions for fruit and vegetable wash.
*OMRI listed
Active Ingredient: Hydrogen dioxide & Peracetic acid
This powerful sanitizing agent controls algae and many water-borne pathogens in irrigation water and on many hard surfaces. Labeled for use in all types of irrigation systems, industrial, and commercial water systems, and evaporative coolers. Helps add dissolved oxygen to the water and does not off-gas. Effective at any pH level. Label includes instructions for fruit and vegetable wash.
*OMRI listed
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Active Ingredient: Sodium Carbonate Peroxyhydrate
A broad spectrum granular algaecide/fungicide. Kills algae on contact with its powerful oxidation reaction and is labeled for use in lakes, ponds, and large bodies of water, as well as on non-painted surfaces like benches and walkways. Irrigation water can be used without interruption after treatment. NSF/ANSI Standard 60 certified for drinking water.
*Restricted use in CT & NY
*OMRI listed
REI = 1
Active Ingredient: Sodium Carbonate Peroxyhydrate
A broad spectrum granular algaecide/fungicide. Kills algae on contact with its powerful oxidation reaction and is labeled for use in lakes, ponds, and large bodies of water, as well as on non-painted surfaces like benches and walkways. Irrigation water can be used without interruption after treatment. NSF/ANSI Standard 60 certified for drinking water.
*Restricted use in CT & NY
*OMRI listed
REI = 1
**This product CANNOT ship via UPS/Fedex. Please request another mode of shipping.
Active Ingredient: Hydrogen dioxide & Peracetic acid
For use in greenhouses, garden centers, landscapes, nurseries, hydroponics and turf. Kills algae, bacteria, fungi and their spores on contact. Can be used to treat irrigation water for pathogen control. Labeled for use on ornamentals, herbs, vegetables, small fruits, and hard surface applications. Safe on foliage and most open blooms. Can be applied as a spray, fog or drench. Leaves no residue and has 0 REI for drench treatments if label conditions are met.
Foliar spray rates: 0.5-1.25 oz per gal or 50-128 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 0.25-1.25 oz per gal or 25-128 oz per 100 gal.
*OMRI listed
REI = 1
Active Ingredient: Hydrogen dioxide & Peracetic acid
For use in greenhouses, garden centers, landscapes, nurseries, hydroponics and turf. Kills algae, bacteria, fungi and their spores on contact. Can be used to treat irrigation water for pathogen control. Labeled for use on ornamentals, herbs, vegetables, small fruits, and hard surface applications. Safe on foliage and most open blooms. Can be applied as a spray, fog or drench. Leaves no residue and has 0 REI for drench treatments if label conditions are met.
Foliar spray rates: 0.5-1.25 oz per gal or 50-128 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 0.25-1.25 oz per gal or 25-128 oz per 100 gal.
*OMRI listed
REI = 1
Active Ingredient: Hydrogen Dioxide and Peracetic Acid
Zerotol HC is a fungicide/bactericide to prevent or control plant diseases on ornamentals, vegetable, berry and fruit crops, turf and lawns. It is also labeled for many hard surfaces to control odor causing bacteria, algae, fungi, moss, mold and mildew. Packaging designed for smaller growers and hobby greenhouses.
Foliar spray rates: 0.64-0.85 oz per gal.
*OMRI listed
*Not registered in CA, MD, SD
Zerotol HC is a fungicide/bactericide to prevent or control plant diseases on ornamentals, vegetable, berry and fruit crops, turf and lawns. It is also labeled for many hard surfaces to control odor causing bacteria, algae, fungi, moss, mold and mildew. Packaging designed for smaller growers and hobby greenhouses.
Foliar spray rates: 0.64-0.85 oz per gal.
*OMRI listed
*Not registered in CA, MD, SD
Active Ingredient: Hydrogen dioxide & Peracetic acid
This powerful sanitizing agent controls algae and many water-borne pathogens in irrigation water and on many hard surfaces. Labeled for use in all types of irrigation systems, industrial, and commercial water systems, and evaporative coolers. Helps add dissolved oxygen to the water and does not off-gas. Effective at any pH level. Label includes instructions for fruit and vegetable wash.
*OMRI listed
This powerful sanitizing agent controls algae and many water-borne pathogens in irrigation water and on many hard surfaces. Labeled for use in all types of irrigation systems, industrial, and commercial water systems, and evaporative coolers. Helps add dissolved oxygen to the water and does not off-gas. Effective at any pH level. Label includes instructions for fruit and vegetable wash.
*OMRI listed
**This product CANNOT ship via UPS/Fedex. Please request another mode of shipping.
Active Ingredient: Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride
A uniquely blended, advanced generation quaternary ammonium compound for controlling algae, fungal and bacterial pathogens on ornamentals, cut flowers and nursery stock in greenhouses. Foliar sprays control Botrytis, downy mildew, certain bacterial leaf spots and others. Soil drenches control Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia and Thielaviopsis.
Foliar sprays rates: 1/3-1 1/2 tsp per gal or 6-25 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 12.5-50 oz per 100 gal.
Best used preventively. REI is 0 hrs for hard surface treatments.
REI = 48
Active Ingredient: Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride
A uniquely blended, advanced generation quaternary ammonium compound for controlling algae, fungal and bacterial pathogens on ornamentals, cut flowers and nursery stock in greenhouses. Foliar sprays control Botrytis, downy mildew, certain bacterial leaf spots and others. Soil drenches control Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia and Thielaviopsis.
Foliar sprays rates: 1/3-1 1/2 tsp per gal or 6-25 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 12.5-50 oz per 100 gal.
Best used preventively. REI is 0 hrs for hard surface treatments.
REI = 48
**This product CANNOT ship via UPS/Fedex. Please request another mode of shipping.
Active Ingredient: Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride
Kleengrow is a 4th generation DDAC fungicide, algaecide, and virucide for use on greenhouse ornamentals and cut flowers from propagation to finish. Use as a foliar spray, drip or drench to control diseases such as: Botrytis, powdery and downy mildew and bacterial leaf spots. Use as a soil drench or injected into irrigation systems to control water borne pathogens and root rots such as: Pythium, Phytophthora, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and Thielaviopsis.
Spray or Drench application over crops: 0.06-0.38 oz per gal or 6-38 oz per 100 gal -- REI = 48 hours
Intermittent chemigation: 0.03-0.20 oz per gal or 3-20 oz per 100 gal -- REI = 12 hours
Continuous chemigation: 0.003-0.014 oz per gal or 0.3-1.4 oz per 100 gal -- REI = 0
Propagation dips: 0.06-0.50 oz per gal or 6-50 oz per 100 gal -- REI = 0
Active Ingredient: Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride
Kleengrow is a 4th generation DDAC fungicide, algaecide, and virucide for use on greenhouse ornamentals and cut flowers from propagation to finish. Use as a foliar spray, drip or drench to control diseases such as: Botrytis, powdery and downy mildew and bacterial leaf spots. Use as a soil drench or injected into irrigation systems to control water borne pathogens and root rots such as: Pythium, Phytophthora, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and Thielaviopsis.
Spray or Drench application over crops: 0.06-0.38 oz per gal or 6-38 oz per 100 gal -- REI = 48 hours
Intermittent chemigation: 0.03-0.20 oz per gal or 3-20 oz per 100 gal -- REI = 12 hours
Continuous chemigation: 0.003-0.014 oz per gal or 0.3-1.4 oz per 100 gal -- REI = 0
Propagation dips: 0.06-0.50 oz per gal or 6-50 oz per 100 gal -- REI = 0
**This product CANNOT ship via UPS/Fedex. Please request another mode of shipping.
A powerful combination of cleaning and wetting agents that effectively remove whitewash coatings, algae, dirt, calcium and other hard water deposits. STRIP-IT Pro's intensified scrubbing action will dislodge compacted organic debris and mineral deposits for easy removal with a high pressure hose. Do not allow STRIP-IT Pro to dry or surface etching may result. STRIP-IT Pro can be safely used on aluminium, copper, galvanized steel, glass, plastics, fiberglass and concrete and will not harm the greenhouse structure or horticultural equipment. Rates: 4-13 oz STRIP-IT Pro per gal water.
A powerful combination of cleaning and wetting agents that effectively remove whitewash coatings, algae, dirt, calcium and other hard water deposits. STRIP-IT Pro's intensified scrubbing action will dislodge compacted organic debris and mineral deposits for easy removal with a high pressure hose. Do not allow STRIP-IT Pro to dry or surface etching may result. STRIP-IT Pro can be safely used on aluminium, copper, galvanized steel, glass, plastics, fiberglass and concrete and will not harm the greenhouse structure or horticultural equipment. Rates: 4-13 oz STRIP-IT Pro per gal water.
For Maintenance of Irrigation Systems
Eco-Clean is a biocatalyst whose advanced technology maintains drip and sprinkler irrigation systems free of deposits. Systems that are already fouled should be cleaned with an appropriate shock treatment before the constant injection of Eco-Clean begins.
*Great for cleaning drip irrigation and lines
*Vegetable based liquid concentrate
*Non-toxic and non-hazardous
*Environmentally safe
Eco-Clean is a biocatalyst whose advanced technology maintains drip and sprinkler irrigation systems free of deposits. Systems that are already fouled should be cleaned with an appropriate shock treatment before the constant injection of Eco-Clean begins.
*Great for cleaning drip irrigation and lines
*Vegetable based liquid concentrate
*Non-toxic and non-hazardous
*Environmentally safe
**This product CANNOT ship via UPS/Fedex. Please request another mode of shipping.
Active Ingredient: Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride
Kleengrow is a 4th generation DDAC fungicide, algaecide, and virucide for use on greenhouse ornamentals and cut flowers from propagation to finish. Use as a foliar spray, drip or drench to control diseases such as: Botrytis, powdery and downy mildew and bacterial leaf spots. Use as a soil drench or injected into irrigation systems to control water borne pathogens and root rots such as: Pythium, Phytophthora, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and Thielaviopsis.
Spray or Drench application over crops: 0.06-0.38 oz per gal or 6-38 o z per 100 gal -- REI = 48 hours
Intermittent chemigation: 0.03-0.20 oz per gal or 3-20 oz per 100 gal -- REI = 12 hours
Continuous chemigation: 0.003-0.014 oz per gal or 0.3-1.4 oz per 100 gal -- REI = 0
Propagation dips: 0.06-0.50 oz per gal or 6-50 oz per 100 gal -- REI = 0
Active Ingredient: Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride
Kleengrow is a 4th generation DDAC fungicide, algaecide, and virucide for use on greenhouse ornamentals and cut flowers from propagation to finish. Use as a foliar spray, drip or drench to control diseases such as: Botrytis, powdery and downy mildew and bacterial leaf spots. Use as a soil drench or injected into irrigation systems to control water borne pathogens and root rots such as: Pythium, Phytophthora, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and Thielaviopsis.
Spray or Drench application over crops: 0.06-0.38 oz per gal or 6-38 o z per 100 gal -- REI = 48 hours
Intermittent chemigation: 0.03-0.20 oz per gal or 3-20 oz per 100 gal -- REI = 12 hours
Continuous chemigation: 0.003-0.014 oz per gal or 0.3-1.4 oz per 100 gal -- REI = 0
Propagation dips: 0.06-0.50 oz per gal or 6-50 oz per 100 gal -- REI = 0
Active Ingredient: Hydrogen dioxide & Peracetic acid
This powerful sanitizing agent controls algae and many waterborne pathogens in irrigation water and on many hard surfaces. Labeled for use in all types of irrigation systems, industrial and commercial water systems, and evaporative coolers. Helps add dissolved oxygen to the water and does not off-gas. Effective at any pH level.
*OMRI Listed
This powerful sanitizing agent controls algae and many waterborne pathogens in irrigation water and on many hard surfaces. Labeled for use in all types of irrigation systems, industrial and commercial water systems, and evaporative coolers. Helps add dissolved oxygen to the water and does not off-gas. Effective at any pH level.
*OMRI Listed
**This product CANNOT ship via UPS/Fedex. Please request another mode of shipping.
**This product CANNOT ship via UPS/Fedex. Please request another mode of shipping.
Active Ingredient: Hydrogen dioxide & Peracetic acid
For use in greenhouses, garden centers, landscapes, nurseries, hydroponics and turf. Kills algae, bacteria, fungi and their spores on contact. Can be used to treat irrigation water for pathogen control. Labeled for use on ornamentals, herbs, vegetables, small fruits, and hard surface applications. Safe on foliage and most open blooms. Can be applied as a spray, fog or drench. Leaves no residue and has 0 REI for drench treatments if label conditions are met.
Foliar spray rates: 0.5-1.25 oz per gal or 50-128 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 0.25-1.25 oz per gal or 25-128 oz per 100 gal.
*OMRI listed
REI = 1
Active Ingredient: Hydrogen dioxide & Peracetic acid
For use in greenhouses, garden centers, landscapes, nurseries, hydroponics and turf. Kills algae, bacteria, fungi and their spores on contact. Can be used to treat irrigation water for pathogen control. Labeled for use on ornamentals, herbs, vegetables, small fruits, and hard surface applications. Safe on foliage and most open blooms. Can be applied as a spray, fog or drench. Leaves no residue and has 0 REI for drench treatments if label conditions are met.
Foliar spray rates: 0.5-1.25 oz per gal or 50-128 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 0.25-1.25 oz per gal or 25-128 oz per 100 gal.
*OMRI listed
REI = 1
For Maintenance of Irrigation Systems
Eco-Clean is a biocatalyst whose advanced technology maintains drip and sprinkler irrigation systems free of deposits. Systems that are already fouled should be cleaned with an appropriate shock treatment before the constant injection of Eco-Clean begins.
*Great for cleaning drip irrigation and lines
*Vegetable based liquid concentrate
*Non-toxic and non-hazardous
*Environmentally safe
Eco-Clean is a biocatalyst whose advanced technology maintains drip and sprinkler irrigation systems free of deposits. Systems that are already fouled should be cleaned with an appropriate shock treatment before the constant injection of Eco-Clean begins.
*Great for cleaning drip irrigation and lines
*Vegetable based liquid concentrate
*Non-toxic and non-hazardous
*Environmentally safe
**This product CANNOT ship via UPS/Fedex. Please request another mode of shipping.
Active Ingredient: Hydrogen dioxide & Peracetic acid
For use in greenhouses, garden centers, landscapes, nurseries, hydroponics and turf. Kills algae, bacteria, fungi and their spores on contact. Can be used to treat irrigation water for pathogen control. Labeled for use on ornamentals, herbs, vegetables, small fruits, and hard surface applications. Safe on foliage and most open blooms. Can be applied as a spray, fog or drench. Leaves no residue and has 0 REI for drench treatments if label conditions are met.
Foliar spray rates: 0.5-1.25 oz per gal or 50-128 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 0.25-1.25 oz per gal or 25-128 oz per 100 gal.
*OMRI listed
REI = 1
Active Ingredient: Hydrogen dioxide & Peracetic acid
For use in greenhouses, garden centers, landscapes, nurseries, hydroponics and turf. Kills algae, bacteria, fungi and their spores on contact. Can be used to treat irrigation water for pathogen control. Labeled for use on ornamentals, herbs, vegetables, small fruits, and hard surface applications. Safe on foliage and most open blooms. Can be applied as a spray, fog or drench. Leaves no residue and has 0 REI for drench treatments if label conditions are met.
Foliar spray rates: 0.5-1.25 oz per gal or 50-128 oz per 100 gal.
Drench rates: 0.25-1.25 oz per gal or 25-128 oz per 100 gal.
*OMRI listed
REI = 1