GGSPro Tech Tips

Good Fortune Fuchsia
Along with the spiritual symbolism of a plant that frees deep emotions, amiability, confiding love, and good taste...

End of One Season Means Sanitation for the Next
With Fall season coming to a close and poinsettias going out the door, many growers...

A Biological Approach to Bringing New Plants into the Greenhouse
Most new spring bedding plants enter our ornamental greenhouses as plugs...

Holidays Ahead - Unwrapping the Secrets of Poinsettia Nutrition
Nutrient availability is intricately linked to the pH of the growing medium...

The Utility of Micro-Drenches: From Poinsettias to Spring Crops
It’s Poinsettia time! If you grow this crop, you know that meeting the height specifications...

Don’t Swing & Miss with Mums: Top Challenges to Prevent this Season
After the busy Spring season, it's time to focus on preparing for Fall garden mums...

Why is it necessary to have my water tested?
Water testing is one of the industry’s most underutilized tools for managing crop nutrition...

“Holding on for dear life!” – Holding Material During the Selling Period
Raise your hand if you have interest in increasing the shelf life of your crops!

Get Ahead of the Curve on Calcium Deficiencies
Calcium (Ca) – we often speak about the importance of calcium, but it also often gets pushed to the side as a “value-added nutrient”...

Know Before You Grow: Pepper Thrips, Biology and Control
An invasive thrips species, Thrips parvispinus, commonly known as the Pepper Thrips, is emerging as a destructive new pest in North America...

Getting a Grip on Botrytis
Many growers face Botrytis early in the season as plant materials are densely packed in plug-and-liner trays, shipped, and held in conditions that favor the development of this omnipresent disease....

Optimizing the Performance of Microbial Fungicides
Growers looking for an advantage in the fight against plant pathogens are adding microbial fungicides...

Beginning with the End in Mind: Best Management Practices for Receiving New Plants
The start of many growers’ production season is when their purchased plugs or liners arrive...

Look for Opportunities to Grow Your Quality with Lighting Technology
You may have noticed that the days are getting shorter, which means it’s the opportune time to be introducing plant lighting ...

Optimizing the Performance of Microbial Pesticides
There are a number of microbial insecticides on the market today, and every spray rotation and ...

Tough to Tackle: Mealybug Management in the Greenhouse and Nursery
Mealybugs are a common pest in greenhouse and nursery production, causing significant damage to many...

The Challenges and Remedies of Summertime Insect and Mite Control
Summer growing conditions give us the welcome opportunity to shut down the heating system and the associated energy expenses for a few...

Post Season Cleanup from Bacterial Blight of Geranium and Other Important Pathogens
Many growers dealt with the aftermath of a bacterial blight of geraniums this spring and summer. While that is the focus ...

Easter Lily
Easter lily bulbs are harvested in the fall of the year and shipped to commercial greenhouses where they are planted in pots and forced under controlled conditions to bloom for Easter the following...

Preparing for the Spring Season, Starting with Injector Maintenance
There are many injectors on the market available for growers to choose from. Each piece of technology has specific procedures for calibrating and...

Management of Powdery Mildew Review
Powdery mildew is a true fungus, with several genera (now grouped into tribes) based on how the conidia (spores) are produced. Conidia are windblown and/or splashed, land on leaf surfaces...

Rust Management
Rusts are ugly, but interesting diseases, the plural is used here because there are many, many different organisms that produce rust disease. Rust is often host...

Garden Mums- Get Them Off to a Great Start!
If combatting pre-mature budding and reducing the probability of Chrysanthemum White Rust (CWR) are important to you, the following information is...

Spotted Lanternfly on The Move
The Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) nymphs are very active in the Delmarva region and moving north as the growing degree days increase in the United States. Host plants include...